
March 2018 Letter from the CEO

 In Company News

Dear Valued Partners,

I hope that you are looking forward to Spring as much as we are! To me, Spring is more than just the
time to clean out the closet or garage, it’s also the perfect time to dream big and finally kick off that
new project you have been putting off.

Whether you want to open a new location, upgrade your technology or kick off your new marketing
campaign, we want to help you achieve your 2018 goals. We know that with every opportunity
comes a cost or challenge, and many times working capital is the solution – we can help with that.

How are we different from a bank? We look at the quality of your receivables and your potential for
sustained growth, not your assets and net worth. At A/R Funding, we understand that each business
is unique, and every circumstance is different – that’s why we have a team of experts who will work
with you to put together a plan tailored to your needs.

Don’t hesitate to call or email us with any questions. We appreciate the opportunity to do business
with you!

Best regards,
Brian K. Holden
Chairman and CEO

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