
April 2018 Letter from the CEO

 In Company News

Dear Valued Partners,

Spring is already here.  The smell of rain, the growing plants and warmer days remind me of how lucky we are to experience such spectacular natural phenomenon. This season, I am especially thankful for the great team we have here at A/R Funding and our great partners like you.

This is also the time of the year when we welcome the well-known April showers, many times more than showers, they are thunderstorms. Just like the weather, the economy and the business world can also have “storms”. At A/R Funding, we’re in the business of preparation and planning. We help our clients “weather the storm” — providing capital and resources while their company and/or the economy rebounds.

Heading into the second quarter of 2018, we have set many improvement goals.. We are committed to earning your business day by day, and we believe that there is always something we can learn and improve. Please, feel free to share any thoughts you have on how we can assist you better. We also want to know about your success stories, our team loves to hear them!

Once again, thank you for your support. We look forward to continued mutual success.

Best regards,

Brian Holden

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