
May 2017 Letter from the CEO

 In Company News

Dear Valued Friends and Clients,

Hurricane season is just around the corner (June 1 is the official start date), and I can’t help but wonder what might happen this year. Forecasters are predicting an “above average” number of storms in 2017, which will require preparation and emergency planning. My home state of South Carolina is typically in the path of a hurricane at least once each season; I remember all too well the toll those storms have taken on our people, land, and economy. I know we can’t control the weather, but we can learn from each experience and better prepare for the next storm.

At A/R Funding, we’re in the business of preparation and planning. We help our clients “weather the storm” — providing capital and resources while their company and/or the economy rebounds. Please keep in mind that we assist companies will ALL aspects of their business — not just funding. We have a professional and dedicated staff who will work with you to foster growth. 

Our team has years of experience in this industry, backing sound entrepreneurs who want to grow their business. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you when these opportunities arise within your organization. Thank you for putting your trust in A/R Funding.

Best regards,

Brian K. Holden

Chairman and CEO

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