
Get to Know Gordon Farr, Executive Vice President – Business Development

 In Company News

What is your most rewarding experience at A/R Funding?

I can’t state just one, because I’ve had many rewarding experiences at A/R Funding.  Business finance has been my focus gordyfor my entire professional career, with the exception of three years when I worked for a group of Orthopedic Surgeons.  Whether I’m traveling around the country or simply conversing with clients on the phone, I frequently have clients tell me how grateful they are to work with A/R Funding. They tell me how hesitatant they were to factor because they had heard “horror stories” about this type of financing. However, after a short time in partnership with A/R Funding, clients wish they had committed to our company long ago.

One time, I received a phone call from a new client in California. When I saw the caller ID, I immediately thought the worst. But the phone call turned out to be one of the best testimonials our company has ever received. Our client had been reluctant to factor because the majority of his customers were Fortune 500 companies; he believed a factoring relationship would reflect poorly on his company.  After some persuasion, they decided to give A/R finding a try…and then I received the call. The COO tracked me down to tell me that during his weekly staff meeting, “everyone was so pleased with the A/R Funding relationship that he didn’t know if they would ever return to bank financing again.”

What is your favorite time of year and why?

Springtime, because the days get longer and I’m able to participate in more outdoor activities.  I really love being outside, whether it’s working around the house, playing golf, or boating.  My daughters are in college and generally finish school in early May. They also love the water, so Spring holds great memories for me.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I live on a lake and spend considerable time on the water. If you can’t find me on the lake, I will most likely be on the SC coast with my daughters enjoying the ocean.

What is your favorite city to visit?

Boston!  My entire family hails from the area, and I grew up cheering for all Boston teams.  I remember watching my grandmother manually keep score of Red Sox games (on the TV) until she was 90 plus years old. My Dad made me watch hockey games before hockey organizations started locating in the South.  So, when Greenville welcomed a minor league hockey team, I was the only one of my friends who knew the rules of the game. Because of these experiences, Boston, Massachusetts is my favorite place to visit.

Is your desk messy or neat?

Messy. I’m generally a very neat and organized person, but my desk is a mess!

Who would play you in a movie?

Kevin Costner

What type of car will you purchase next?

Pickup Truck

What was your first job and your first REAL job?

Mowing grass and Banker

What one thing really makes your day?

Driving home knowing I will have a view of the lake.

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