
Furniture services company funds growth with a $1 million factoring line

 In Case Study

AR Funding is proud to welcome this furniture services company as one of its newest clients.


Industry: Furniture services
Location: TX
Company size: ~$2 million annual revenue
Reason for applying: Business growth
Cash available through factoring: $1 million


PROBLEM: A need to fund rapid growth

Newly founded by a furniture-services professional with more than a decade of experience, this Texas-based company offers an array of services to corporate, hospitality, and industrial clients. Services include furniture installation, moving, and storage.

Demand for furniture services is growing fast, but cash flow was an issue. With high up-front operating costs and a weekly payroll, the owner was forced to turn away business customers who needed longer payment terms. However, as a new citizen, the owner did not have the credit score needed for a traditional bank loan or line of credit.

SOLUTION: $1 million factoring credit line

After researching invoice factoring, the owner approached AR Funding. Based on the credit quality of the company’s customers, AR Funding was able to offer the owner a factoring credit line of up to $1 million per year, with $75,000 in cash available in the first month. 

This happy client received financing with help from Darren Wright, Regional VP, Central Region. Find out how much cash your company can access through invoice factoring. Talk to us.

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