
Brian Holden- Chairman & CEO

 In Company News

Brian Holden- Chairman & CEO
Years at A/R Funding: 25

What brought you to starting A/R Funding 25 years ago?

Easy, I needed a job and I could not turn down myself!  Having been in the factoring business previously, and using some of my knowledge with my CPA practice for a few years, I wanted to form a funding business that would allow clients to grow their business, flexibility, and support systems that would allow them to be successful.  I wanted our company to earn our client’s business every day and to always try to come up with solutions to their needs and not just a “this is how we do things” answer.

What has set A/R Funding apart and brought about 25 years of sustained success?

The attitude of if we make our clients successful, then we will be successful.  Our people and their commitment to our company, and clients, are what allows our company to do what we do.  Having an average tenure of over 17 years in operations and over 20 years with each officer gives us the ability to operate effectively and efficiently to our client’s needs.  We also would not be here 25 years later without the support of Jack Shaw and family, our financial partners, and our clients.  We cannot thank them enough for their partnership, trust, and support!

What do you enjoy most about being in the factoring industry?

Watching our clients achieve their goals, therefore, our employees and company get to be a part of that success.  Some of the most satisfying times are coming up with solutions of how to make a situation with a prospect, or client, work.  Many times, for me, that comes at 3 AM!  My grandfather always told me, when I was young, that some of your best ideas come when you are relaxing or sleeping.  He just did not tell me I would have so many nights like that!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I enjoy spending time with my family, playing golf, working out (sometimes!), and taking in any sport that Clemson University is playing.

Tell us a few things that people may not know about you…

I graduated from Clemson in 1987 and had the privilege of being the tiger mascot while I was in school.  I’m blessed to have a great support system in my wife, Natalie, son, Connor, and two dogs, Abby and Rascal.  Because of their support and the blessings of God, I have been fortunate to lead A/R Funding for the last 25 years.

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