
Get to Know Kevin Gilbert Executive Vice President – Operations Management

 In Company News

What advice would you give to a young person just starting out? You will make mistakes in your profession no matter how long you have been doing it.

Don’t get discouraged or disappointed; learn and grow from your mistakes.

What profession would you choose if you weren’t working at A/R Funding?

Another profession would be a pilot. My dad had a small plane when I was young, and I always enjoyed that time with him flying around. I also built model airplanes as a young kid.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

In my time off, I prefer to be outdoors. Anything outdoors. Some favorites: bird hunting (especially in South Dakota), fishing (especially off shore in deep seas), and even mowing the grass while listening to music.

If you were asked to quit your job and donate all your time to a non-profit organization, which one would you choose and why?

If I quit my job to donate time, it would be to help children with social or mental needs. I would provide them space to play and have fun, learn life skills, and simply enjoy the company of other children.

Are you an extrovert or introvert?

I think I am an extrovert; my wife says I am something else.

Is your desk messy or neat?

My desk is messy! A former boss said I was a spreader and not a stacker. I can still find things on my desk, I just may have to lift a few things.

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